The Role of Open Standard Programming Models for HPC
Supercomputing 2024
Date: 18 November 2024 at 00:00
Location: Intel Booth Talk
HPC applications need to address the “Three Ps”: Performance, Portability, and Productivity. Dr. Tom Deakin, Senior Lecturer in Advanced Computer Systems, University of Bristol (UK), highlights the opportunities the variety of heterogeneous architectures brings to applications, and how application performance and portability can be rigorously measured and compared across diverse architectures. He shares strategies for writing performance portable applications and presents the roles that ISO languages C++ and Fortran, as well as parallel programming models and abstractions such as OpenMP, SYCL, and Kokkos, play in the ever-changing heterogeneous landscape. Developers will gain an increased understanding of the need to adopt open standard parallel programming models and embrace heterogeneity in their programs in order to attain the best performance.