Performance Portability for Next-Generation Heterogeneous Systems

Performance Portability Training Series

Date: 26 February 2024 at 13:00

Location: online (EST)

Our high-performance applications must be written to embrace the full ecosystem of supercomputer design. They need to take advantage of the hierarchy of concurrency on offer, and utilize the whole processor. And writing these applications must be productive because HPC software outlives any one system. Our applications need to address the “Three Ps” and be Performance Portable and Productive.

This talk will highlight the opportunities this variety of heterogeneous architectures brings to applications, and how application performance and portability can be rigorously measured and compared across diverse architectures. It will share a strategy for writing performance portable applications and present the roles that ISO languages C++ and Fortran, as well as parallel programming models and abstractions such as OpenMP, SYCL and Kokkos play in the ever-changing heterogeneous landscape.

A live Q&A Session on the the Three Ps will occur at the end of this training.